Low-Fiber, Low-Residue Diet

Low-Fiber, Low-Residue Diet Information

The low fiber diet follows the normal dietary pattern except for the omission of high fiber foods. Dietary fiber is defined as skins, seeds, structural parts of plants and connective tissue fibers of meats. Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, pectin, and inulin are not hydrolyzed by enzymes in the human digestive tract.

Treatment and Rationale

The low fiber diet is often prescribed in the treatment of diarrhea, colitis, gastrointestinal disturbances, radium implant, and pre- and post- operative periods for surgery of the large bowel. The purpose of the diet is to reduce the fiber content in stool formation and to lessen the irritation and stimulation effect on the large bowel.

Special Considerations

The low fiber diet, as with any special modification diet, should be individualized around the food tolerances and special needs of each patient placed on the diet.

Adequacy of the Diet

The diet provides the nutrients of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for healthy adults.

Helpful Hints

  1. Special food products are not necessary when preparing this diet.
  2. Select tender, young vegetables because fiber increases with age of product.
  3. Make a distinction between whole grain and whole wheat products. Whole grains are less desirable because they contain the entire grain kernel and bran layer. Read the ingredient labels of products when making your selections.
  4. For more information about diets visit the American Dietetic Association’s website at www.eatright.org.
If you have been told that irritability, spasm or diverticulosis is a problem with your colon, the following food and drink items tend to stimulate the intestinal tracts: NUTS, POPCORN, EXCESSIVE SEEDS, COCUNUT, CHOCOLATE, STRONG TEA, COFFEE, CARBONATED BEVERAGES (especially cola drinks), and FRESH CORN.